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Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Truth Behind a Name

Our parents give us our names when we are born. They don't know yet what we will be like, look like, or act like when we are older. But somehow, they always get it right. Our names grow on us as we grow up and start becoming who we are today. We are still growing. We are always growing and expanding our minds to new knowledge everyday. Our names are a part of us and are something that we keep forever. Something that can never part from us. 
(Here are some of the names of people I know)
My name, Sam, most of the time is referred to as a boys name. News flash! It's not. Sam is a name for both girls and boys. But Sam is not really a real name. It is normally short for Samantha or Samuel. But it isn't for me. My full name is Sam. I do not wish it was Samantha because to me, Samantha is a posh name. I am not posh. I know for a fact that I am a loud, bouncy, energetic, and that I'm not the girliest girl. But that doesn't mean I don't like nail polish and doing my hair :) 

So to be honest, Sam does count as a real name. There is no reason why it shouldn't.  I want to end on the note that we all are our own person, our own name. Even though some people have the same name as you, they are a completely different person. 

Sammie <3

Sunday 11 November 2012

Darker Sides Beauty

(I took this at Dairy Farm on my phone)
The sound of the jungle
creates its own music.
The whispers of the trees
define each note.

The melody of the jungle
speaks to me.
The humming of the tropical birds
complement the steady hiss
of the diamond headed snake.

The harmony comes from a much deeper part.
The roar of the lion completes
the single flap of a butterfly’s wings.
The motion is so silent,
I can hear a single drop of water
falling from a leaf’s edge.

By Sam Coutts

I wrote this poem whilst I was at dairy farm at the G.I.N. conference. We were told to take the 15 minutes to sit in the jungle, and just write, draw, and create whatever we wanted. Some choose  to lay down and listen to the sounds of the jungle, some drew what they could see. I choose to write a poem. This poem just came to me. I sat and listened to the sounds around me, and stared at the scenery around me. Inspiration can be anywhere, even in the least obvious places. After writing it at dairy farm, I took it back and made it better.

Sunday 4 November 2012

10 Things I Know to be True

1. "If your heart is in your dream, no request is to extreme." - Jiminy Cricket

2. That good friends will be there for you no matter what.

3. Love is one of the most, if not the most, important thing in the world.

4.  Laughter is one of the best cures for anything, and just for fun. 

5. Follow your passion and your dream, no matter what.

6. The performing arts is where I belong.

7. Education is the key to the future. 

8. Paul Frank is one of the coolest brands ever!

9. The bitter true is better than the sweetest lie.

(Not really what I meant, but I though it was funny)
10. Music is pure poetry.

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